Disclaimers and Conditions for the European TR Meeting 2025

1. General

In the case of translations, the German text shall be the legally binding basis. The German text can be download below.

2. Description

The European TR Meeting 2025 is a classic car meeting among friends for members of European TR clubs. The meeting is designed to allow each participant to organise the meeting on their own and to plan joint activities with the greatest possible personal freedom. Certain overnight accommodation will be made available. The conditions and costs are shown on the website www.europeantrs.club . The TR European Meeting is not an organised luxury trip.

3. Bookings

As soon as the European TR Meeting 2025 is fully displayed on the booking website, all persons who have created an account for the website will receive information to the e-mail address they have provided. Options will be shown which can be selected. All participants are requested to review this option information in advance and decide what they would like to select. All bookings must be completed in one process, subsequent bookings generate a high work and coordination effort and the deposit for a second separate booking process would be charged again and is non-refundable.

To secure your place for the TR European Meeting in Hohenroda 2025, after bookings open, select the room you have chosen for the weekend then add it to the shopping basket. Further options and participation in the follow-up tour, visits or pre-meeting can then be selected and added to the shopping basket. Once all the options you wish to book have been added, select the shopping basket and proceed to checkout. Please make sure that you have selected the correct options that you would like to take. At the checkout you will be asked to complete a form to provide the organisers with the necessary information for the event to take place. A non-refundable deposit of 200 EUR is payable on completion of the booking. This can be paid by credit card. Any further subsequent booking is only possible with an additional non-refundable deposit.

4. Booking deadlines

4.1. Bookings open 12.01.2025, 08:00 MEZ (07:00 GMT)

4.2. All German participants (members of Triumph-IG Südwest and TR-Register D) are requested to book only from 01.02.2025 and to give priority to foreign guests.

4.3. Closing date: 28.02.2025, 24:00 MEZ (07:00 GMT)

4.4. Collection of balance payments 15.03.2025 via respective european-coordinators

5. Cancellations and refunds

5.1. Bookings can be cancelled at any time via the booking website.

5.2. The following cancellation costs apply:

5.2.1. 12th January to 15th March 2025 200€ per booking (non-refundable in any situation)

5.2.2. 16th March 2025 to 30th June 2025 WE: 200 € / P WE+Tour: 600 € / P

5.2.3. 1st July to 31st July 2025 WE: 500 € / P WE+Tour: 1100 € / P

5.2.4. 1st August 2025 onwards full cost of booking

5.2.5. If the participant finds a replacement booking, the cancellation costs will be clarified on a case-by-case basis.

5.3. The respective remaining amount (booking costs less deposit and less cancellation costs less bank charges) will be refunded in euros by bank transfer. The currency risk shall be borne by the cancelling participant. For this purpose, the recipient of the refund must provide account details to TR-Interessengemeinschaft Südwest eV.

6. Miscellaneous

6.1. The surname and first name of the participants must be provided to the hotels in accordance with the German Registration law. This information is collected and passed on by the TR-Interessengemeinschaft e.V.. Consent to this will be requested on the booking website. Participation in the meeting is not possible without this consent.

6.2. Unfortunately, no pets are allowed, unless guide dogs for the visually impaired.

6.3. Unfortunately, some options are not suitable for people with walking disabilities. In individual cases, details of the disabled participants are required in order to make appropriate arrangements. Please add these details in the relevant space on the booking form.

7. Emergency breakdown assistance

7.1. Breakdown assistance, not a breakdown service, is only provided in the event of actual breakdowns. Breakdown assistance is organised on a private basis by young club members. Stranded vehicles can be brought back to the hotel by trailer or taken to a nearby workshop. Simple faults are repaired immediately. For cases that cannot be solved, the nearest classic car workshop can be found in the TR-Register European Breakdown App or the professional breakdown assistance organisations, such as the ADAC, can be called. Please download the European Breakdown app prior to driving to the meeting. https://www.tr-register.co.uk/resources/app

7.2. Vehicles must be extensively and professionally serviced and inspected by suitable persons or workshops before being driven to the meeting. The respective ‘Drivers Handbook’ of the TR models provides a good guide. Any recognisable wear and tear must be repaired and inspected by qualified persons before departure.

The booking form contains a declaration that your vehicle has been maintained in accordance with these terms; participation is not possible without this declaration.

7.3. Each participant must consider which spare parts are important to take with them on the journey. It is important to bring these with you. The local TR clubs or friends travelling with you can help you.

7.4. Each participant must carry sufficient spare oil in the vehicle and check the engine oil level before departure and regularly during the meeting.

7.5. Breakdowns caused by negligent or completely omitted maintenance and inspection will only be treated with low priority. (In individual cases, decision by the organiser of the TR-Interessengemeinschaft Südwest e.V.).

7.6. There is no legal entitlement to breakdown assistance of any kind. Of course, every participant will be helped to the best of our knowledge and belief. Recourse claims by vehicle owners and keepers against the TR-Interessengemeinschaft Südwest e.V. or its members for incorrect actions and consequential errors are excluded.

8. Exclusions of liability

All participants (drivers and co-drivers, owners and keepers) take part in the European TR meeting 2025 at their own risk. They bear sole responsibility under civil and criminal law for all damage caused by them or the vehicle they use, unless an exclusion of liability is agreed in accordance with this invitation to tender.

By submitting their registration, participants (drivers and co-drivers, owners and keepers) waive all claims of any kind for damages arising in connection with the meeting against:

• the TR Interessengemeinschaft Südwest e.V. and the persons entrusted with the organisation of this meeting

• the sponsors, their presidents, board members, managing directors, employees and members

• Authorities, service providers and all persons connected with the organisation of the meeting

• the road authorities, insofar as damage is caused to the condition of the roads to be used during the meeting, including accessories

• the vicarious agents of all aforementioned persons and bodies, except for damages resulting from injury to life, body or health, which are based on an intentional or negligent breach of duty - also by a legal representative or a vicarious agent of the group of persons liable

The waiver of liability becomes effective for all parties involved upon submission of the registration. The waiver of liability applies to claims on any legal grounds, in particular to claims for damages arising from contractual or non-contractual liability and to claims arising from unauthorised acts. Tacit exclusions of liability remain unaffected by the above exclusion of liability clause.

The waiver of liability must be ticked as a mandatory field by the participant when completing the booking form; participation is not possible without this declaration.

For the original text in German, please download the Disclaimers and Conditions

For further questions please contact: european.coordinator@triumph-ig.de